Older adults in England have experienced significant improvements in health compared to previous generations, researchers at Columbia's Robert N. Butler Aging Center have found.
Columbia cancer researchers are investigating how exercise, early puberty, and hormones may play a role in the rising numbers of early onset breast cancer.
In the same way that ChatGPT understands human language, a new AI model developed by Columbia computational biologists captures the language of cells to accurately predict their activities.
By generating movies of individual molecules performing actions that make our bodies tick, Columbia researchers have a deeper understanding of a process important in cancer and other diseases.
Researchers at Columbia University Medical Center have devised a hair restoration method that can generate new human hair growth, rather than simply redistribute hair from one part of the scalp to another.
Members of our community are speaking up to make their voices heard and educate the public on the consequences of NIH cuts. But despite these efforts and those of advocates nationwide, sequestration will remain in effect until Congress repeals it.
Drs. Rudolph Leibel and Michael Rosenbaum are members of a multi-center collaboration that plans to test competing hypotheses of obesity and weight gain.
High-risk pregnant women being recruited for a clinical trial that aims to give parents detailed information about genetic abnormalities found in utero.
Two Columbia faculty are part of a 61-member international research team that discovered 25 epilepsy-causing mutations in new and previously identified genes.