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  • August 20, 2013

    SMDEP is one of four major CUMC “pipeline programs,” developed to enhance opportunities in science and medicine for under-represented minority and socioeconomically disadvantaged students


  • August 20, 2013

    Designed by the prominent museum-exhibition design firm Ralph Appelbaum Associates, the Black Building corridor mural is installed in the first-floor corridor, near the X Caffe.

  • August 19, 2013

    It’s rare that scaffolding, steel girders, and caution tape are a welcome sight, but on the 168th Street 1 train platform, they are evidence that a long-overdue renovation is really happening. With some helpful prodding—and contributions toward the cost—by Columbia University Medical Center and NewYork-Presbyterian Hospital, the MTA has begun making structural and cosmetic repairs to the grand archway over the 1 tracks.

  • August 15, 2013

    Last week, ColumbiaDoctors and the CUMC Office of Communications presented "Social Media for Health Care Professionals." The event featured presentations and panel discussions with social media experts.

  • August 9, 2013

    Watch all eight talks from TEDMED Day CUMC, now available online.


  • August 6, 2013

    The White Coat Ceremony—a rite of passage that marks the beginning of a student’s formal medical studies—started at P&S 20 years ago.

  • August 2, 2013

    Learn how to leverage social media to build and manage reputations, grow clinical practices, and recruit research subjects.


  • August 1, 2013

    A lifelong traveler and Harley Davidson enthusiast, Ester Quinn has worked at Columbia University Medical Center for more than thirty years. She says she has a personal relationship with the institution, where she is also a patient, and where she is surrounded by “so many levels of employees who make everything tick together.”

  • July 30, 2013

    A listing of grants, awards, and gifts made to faculty and departments at Columbia University Medical Center.

  • July 26, 2013

    Columbia virologist Vincent Racaniello will be teaching a free, introductory course about viruses, online at Coursera.

    Vincent Racaniello wants to be Earth's virology professor
