Message From the Vice Dean and Senior Vice President
Welcome to the Office of Academic Affairs at the Columbia University Irving Medical Center. Our mission is to support our faculty so that they may lead successful and fulfilling careers at CUIMC.
We work with over 9,500 faculty and researchers across the four health science schools of the medical center: the Vagelos College of Physicians and Surgeons, the Mailman School of Public Health, the College of Dental Medicine, and the School of Nursing.
Our Mission
Columbia University Irving Medical Center celebrates and rewards the superb research; evidenced-based, compassionate clinical care; globally transformative public health work; and model educational programs of our faculty. The success of our schools requires excellence in all of these areas, as well as a strong synergy among them. At CUIMC, we focus on the value of all of the academic contributions of our diverse faculty. Our guiding principles include: clear articulation of excellence in all faculty work; support to enable faculty and researchers to achieve their highest goals; encouragement of a collegial faculty community where all work is valued, respected and recognized; and clear, consistent standards to support academic inclusivity, innovation and advancement.
The Office of Faculty Affairs is the administrative arm of Academic Affairs. It handles all process-oriented issues for faculty, researchers, post-doctoral fellows and student officers. It also supports faculty and departments on administrative processes for officers of instruction and officers of research.
The Office of Faculty Professional Development, Diversity and Inclusion provides faculty with support, training, informational resources and mentoring support to enable faculty to lead successful and satisfying careers as educators, researchers, clinicians and administrators. The office also works to promote, recruit and retain diverse faculty, and offers unique programs and opportunities that are nuanced to their needs.
The CUIMC International Students and Scholars Office works in tandem with the Morningside International Students and Scholars Office to support the needs of our international scholars and students at CUIMC. They are available to advise on all questions relevant to visa status and immigration.
Our staff is here to support you, and values your feedback. Please feel free to contact us with questions or suggestions at:
Please take advantage of all the opportunities and resources that we have to offer and let us know if you can help in other ways.
Anne L. Taylor, MD
John Lindenbaum Professor of Medicine at the Columbia University Medical Center
Vice Dean, Academic Affairs, Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons
Senior Vice President for Faculty Affairs and Career Development at the Columbia University Irving Medical Center