The Center for Advanced Diagnostic Research, led by radiologist Stella Kang, will work to accelerate the adoption of new diagnostics into clinical care.
A new study shows sleep helps mice recover from heart attacks. Reanalyzed data from a Columbia sleep restriction study suggest sleep plays the same role in people.
A region in the mouse brain records whether another individual is safe or threatening, a finding that may help researchers understand why some human conditions lead to social withdrawal.
A study by Columbia researchers Judith Miné-Hattab, PhD, and Rodney Rothstein, PhD, found that after a double-strand break in DNA, the mobility of both the broken segment and other, unbroken, chromosomes is greatly increased.
Researchers at Columbia’s Center for Infection and Immunity (CII) have discovered an uncommon bacterium, Sutterella, in the intestines of 12 of 23 children who had both autism and GI problems.