Columbia’s Dian Yang is placing CRISPR-based molecular recorders into cancer cells to eavesdrop on cancer evolution and pinpoint when and how cells metastasize.
Misinformation and outdated beliefs about screening tests, treatment options, and effects on sexual health continue to cloud understanding about this disease.
The Columbia community gathered in the Hudson Valley for the eighth annual Velocity: Columbia’s Ride to End Cancer. This year’s event raised more than $1 million and attracted nearly 600 participants.
Columbia researchers have engineered bacteria as personalized cancer vaccines that activate the immune system to specifically seek out and destroy cancer cells.
The JAMA paper compared outcomes in 264,758 women who had either laparoscopic or robotically assisted hysterectomy at 441 hospitals between 2007 and 2010.
"There are so many options for hysterectomies now that patients should discuss the pros and cons of all of them with their doctors," said the study's lead author, CUMC's Dr. Jason Wright.
5 new leukemia clinician-scientists have joined the Herbert Irving Comprehensive Cancer Center at NYPH/CUMC: Drs. Mark Frattini, Mark Heaney, Joseph Jurcic, Nicole Lamanna, & Todd Rosenblat.