Outbreaks of SARS-CoV-2 may become a regular occurrence depending on the risk of reinfection, vaccine availability and efficacy, and interactions with other viruses, Mailman researchers say.
Breast cancer survival has improved by about 40% since the 1980s. Columbia oncologist Katherine Crew discusses how new genetic tests, treatments, and screening methods should further improve survival.
Dr. Catherine Monk is a professor of medical psychology at Columbia University and the director of the Women’s Mental Health @Ob/Gyn service at NYP/CUIMC.
Moms with COVID-19 who take basic precautions rarely pass the virus to their newborns, even if breastfeeding and rooming together, finds a new study at Columbia University and NewYork-Presbyterian.
Columbia Nursing's Billy Caceres chaired a group that wrote the first American Heart Association Scientific Statement addressing LGBTQ heart health, published in the journal Circulation.
In recognition of Hispanic Heritage Month, CUIMC News spoke with several faculty members of Hispanic heritage who help the medical center achieve excellence in research, education, and patient care.