A new study shows sleep helps mice recover from heart attacks. Reanalyzed data from a Columbia sleep restriction study suggest sleep plays the same role in people.
Adding a measure of psychological health to a predictor of mortality from heart disease improved predictions, particularly among Black and female populations.
The study by Columbia researchers adds to emerging evidence that environmental metals are preventable risk factors of cardiovascular disease and mortality.
Thanks to a collaboration between Columbia and Cornell doctors, Yasin Samad is one of the first children in the United States to receive an innovative artificial heart valve.
Columbia researcher Jon Giles has published research showing a link between atherosclerosis and depressive symptoms, stress, anxiety, anger, and lack of social support in patients with rheumatoid arthritis.
Columbia research shows that expanding treatment of high blood pressure with cost-effective medication could prevent 1 million heart attacks and strokes in China.
Nanometer-sized “drones” that deliver a special type of healing molecule to fat deposits in arteries could become a new way to prevent heart attacks caused by atherosclerosis.
Using the same technology that made smartphone cameras possible, Columbia scientists are capturing images of molecules at a level of detail never before possible.
El cumplimiento máximo de las nuevas guías podría prevenir 56 000 casos de las enfermedades cardiovasculares ( mayoría ataques de corazón y accidentes cerebrovasculares) y 13 000 muertes cada año, sin aumentar el costo total de la asistencia médica, hallazgo de un análisis dirigido por investigadores del Centro Médico de la Universidad de Columbia (CUMC).
Full implementation of new hypertension guidelines could prevent 56,000 cardiovascular disease events (mostly heart attacks and strokes) and 13,000 deaths each year, without increasing overall health care costs.