What Does NIH Funding Mean to New York?
As medical centers feel the sting of diminished NIH funds, Columbia University Medical Center is no exception.
In recent years, particularly after sequestration, our research community has responded. Faculty, students, and staff have rallied, written letters, and taken other actions to raise awareness about the importance of NIH funding both to their work and to the nation’s biomedical advances.
In an effort to help them and others communicate the importance of NIH funding, the Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology created state-by-state factsheets describing the importance of NIH funds.
Check out the New York factsheet, which highlights Columbia University’s $348 million in NIH grants in FY 2013; that support has helped fund numerous advances, including breakthroughs in glioblastoma research.
Find out more about how NIH funding for biomedical research has led to advances in New York State and how sequestration has chipped away at this critical source of support.
Read the full factsheet here.