Older adults in England have experienced significant improvements in health compared to previous generations, researchers at Columbia's Robert N. Butler Aging Center have found.
In a perspective published online by the New England Journal of Medicine, Dr. Spencer describes his experiences both in Guinea as a volunteer and after his return to the United States.
Eating Disorders Awareness Week is February 22 – February 28. Tune in to Columbia Psychiatry’s BlogTalkRadio show for treatment news from leaders in the field of eating disorders.
The interactive website offers events announcements, articles and videos about health, an index of neighborhood services, and links to other health-related sites.
Dodi Meyer, a force behind Columbia programs that provide service and learning opportunities in our neighborhood, has been honored with a community service award.
Two Columbia University Medical Center faculty members were present today when President Obama provided details of the precision medicine initiative he announced during this year’s State of the Union address.