Cumc Tsunami Relief Efforts
Columbia University Medical Center is a global community, and we extend sympathy to everyone affected by the December 26 tsunami in Asia. We have not identified anyone from the CUMC community directly involved but please feel free to contact Dr. Gerald Fischbach’s office if you have concerns about any student, faculty, or staff member who was abroad in the disaster area.
A CUMC fund, the International Emergency Medicine Relief Fund, has been created to help faculty and staff supporting disaster relief. Donations to this fund should be sent to Dr. Michael O’Connor, vice president for budget and finance for CUMC, 630 W. 168th St., P&S 2-401, with checks payable to “Trustees of Columbia University.”
An Emerging Crisis Working Group has been formed under the leadership of Irwin Redlener, director of the National Center for Disaster Preparedness in the Mailman School of Public Health, to analyze and respond to the disaster.
Click here for Dean Fischbach's message to the CUMC community.