Occupational Therapy Program

Columbia University’s Programs in Occupational Therapy are proud to be among the oldest yet exceptionally progressive programs to prepare occupational therapists as superior clinicians, administrators, educators, and researchers.

Our nationally distinguished faculty members mentor students on both the masters and doctoral levels to meet the challenges of our complex health care systems. Additionally, there is a dual degree program offered in conjunction with the Joseph L. Mailman School of Public Health, which leads to a Master of Science in Occupational Therapy and a Master in Public Health. As part of one of the world’s most renowned health care centers, our mission is to advance practice through education and research.

Please visit the Columbia OT website for more information or contact:

Columbia University Programs in Occupational Therapy
617 W. 168th Street, 3rd Floor
New York, NY 10032
Phone: 212-305-5267
Email: otadmissions@cumc.columbia.edu